An eye for fulfill'ment!
These non-surgical fillers will ensure that your eyes are left looking young and radiant.

Over exertion has left our eyes looking tired and dull. Therefore for those who want to revive their eyes in a non-surgical way, fillers is the option for you.
The fillers added to your eyes is a safe, quick and effective method to reduce the tear trough depression below the eyes. They immediately uplift the confidence of the person and the need for concealers also reduces. The results last for nine months to a year. Fillers are injectable gels used in areas which need additional volume or lifting.
There are different types of filler available.
1.Hyaluronic Acid: It is the most popular kind of injectable filler that is also naturally found in the body. When injected it delivers nutrients to the skin helping the skin to retain moisture and softness while adding volume.
2.Calcium Hydroxyapatite: This is found naturally in human bones. It is not an animal based product so there are fewer chances for any allergic reaction. It is however not very popular in recent times.
3.Polyalkylimide: This is a semi - permanent dermal filler and can last for a very long time.
4.Polylactic acid: This is a type of filler which is injected into the face, causing your body to produce its own collagen.
Hyaluronic acid in most commonly used for the dark circles, orbital hollowing and tear trough around the eyes.
Dark Circles or periorbital hyperpigmentation are dark blemishes around the eyes. A person with dark circles under the eyes can look more aged and exhausted.
Who Should Opt for filler: Patient who complain of a hollow look or dark area under the eyes, tear trough deformity with good skin elasticity and skin thickness and mild eye bags below the eyes can opt for fillers.
PRocedure: The patient’s medical history is taken, facial anatomy analysed, treatment area is cleansed and a needle or cannula is prepared. A needle in the tear trough area is preferred as it is more precise however chances of bruises are more with the needle. The filler is injected and instantly the tissue is lifted and hydrated. After a gentle massage an antibiotic cream is applied. Results are instant but look best after 20 to 25 days. Only one syringe is required for tear trough areas as the area is very thin and small, but sometimes for deeper tear trough areas multiple syringes maybe required.
Post procedure care: Avoid eye make for atleast eight hours, massaging and rubbing eyes for atleast 12 hours. No other treatment should be done for the next seven days. It is also important to drink a lot of water post procedure.
Price: Per session to get your eyes filled will cost you about Rs 22,000 to Rs 27,000
– The writer is a dermatologist.
Disclaimer: Always check with a specialist before going ahead with this procedure