Thrissur: Capturing frames of China
Some of his clicks have frames of mirror reflections that create several \'frames with in a frame\'.

Thrissur: For Yoga trainer Sudheer Uralath candid random street photography is a passion and he often hits the Chinese streets where he is working as a yoga instructor with his camera to capture 'frames within a frame'.
Mr Sudheer who works as a yoga trainer at the Ningbo near at Shanghai in China is holding a five-day long show at the art gallery of Kerala Lalithakala Akademi here of his street photos.
"My attempt is to rewrite the concept of street photography. I have put up for show more than 30 street photos which I have clicked in China at various places like Beijing, Shanghai, Hunan, Anhui, Sichuan and other places. With the neo-liberal polices there is huge migration of people from villages to cites in China in search of jobs and when I often speak to the people on streets they say they feel very nostalgic about the village," says Sudheer, who is a native of Nattika here.
Some of his clicks have frames of mirror reflections that create several 'frames with in a frame'. He has also an eye for different moods and colour tones created by light and shadows.