
Learn zentangle lessons

A workshop on zentangling will be held at Space on August 18.

For those art lovers who do not want to get into complex drawings with sophisticated styles, Zentangle is the best alternative. Unlike other forms of detailed artworks that can be strenuous and heavy for beginners, this style of art suits people of all age groups. All those who want to explore this relaxing and fun method of drawing, come over and have fun learning tricks and hacks for drawing spectacular pieces of Zentangles at the workshop led by Naufa Yazeera to be held at SPACE, Thiruvananthapuram, on August 18.

The Zentangle method is an easy-to-learn way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns called tangles. You create tangles with combinations of dots, lines, simple curves, S-curves and orbs and can easily avoid the complexities of making patterns that have finite angles and sides. There will be a prior registration process for interested candidates. The registration fees is Rs 500. For further details on registration, please contact 8289945825.

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