
Tantalising tenets: Theory of everything, theoretically

Surendra Kumar Sagar answers our quick-fire.

1. An unusual place where ideas strike you?
Lying in bed early morning before getting up.

2. If there was a character from a book you would want to bring alive?
Joseph Rotblat from the book Keepers Of The Nuclear Conscience by Andrew Brown.

3. what would your autobiography be titled as?
From Time zero to time now!

4. How would you convince someone to do something they did not want to do?
I would speak to them, and convince them how important it is for their own good.

5. If you had an island of your own, what would be rule #1?
Take good care of the environment

6. If you had a chance to ask someone out on a date, who would it be?
My dear and lovely wife.

7. If you were to write a book on your lady love, what would you title it ?
Work Of Art.

8. What do you call a person who does not like reading books?

9. A compliment that is still alive in your heart?
“Absolutely un-putdownable, I haven’t read anything like this,” by someone who read my book.

10. One thing that defines your personality?
Scientifically spiritual.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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