
Improper evaluation of exam papers hurts OU students

Increased instances of students given failing grades first are reported, but after revaluation and recounting, they are declared passed

HYDERABAD: Students in colleges affiliated to and functioning under Osmania University are a worried lot as there have been instances of improper correction of semester examination papers as they are given failing grades first, but after revaluation and recounting, they are declared passed.

"There is a huge margin between scoring above 75 per cent and failing. More than 30 per cent of students from several colleges sent their semester papers for revaluation and recounting since 2021 as they faced similar issues," said a parent of a student who studies in a degree college affiliated to Osmania University.

He added that such cases had been reported from other colleges as well which was causing fear and depression among students. "My own child and other students are in fear of reporting this issue in their college as they feel that they would be targeted. Thus, no one is willing to approach their teachers," he added. The parent said students had also been going through a lot of pressure due to online education and were trying their best to score well but such grades were creating fear and causing depression among students.

This newspaper tried reaching the controller of exams, Osmania University, who was unavailable. This correspondent spoke to the Vice Chancellor Prof Ravinder, who said they had been receiving such complaints and wanted to put them to an end and decided certain steps for the same which would be implemented soon.

"All the concerned people responsible for paper correction will be held accountable and blocked if the same complaint is filed against them more than two times. We are also considering transferring the answer sheets to students once it is evaluated by the concerned teacher, so that they are in the loop," he said adding, "Sometime a few students are also given higher grades and a few are given lower grades, but we are seriously considering steps to put an end to such confusion and also planning to constitute a committee to take inputs for improvement in paper evaluation."

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