Goan team all praise for AP’s educational programmes
The Goan team studied the best practices of AP State Council of Higher Education towards implementation of National Education Policy 2020

VIJAYAWADA: The education development programmes of AP are attracting other States under which a delegation of State Higher Education Council Government of Goa visited AP for two days. The Goan team praised the fee reimbursement including the Amma Vodi scheme as a boon towards encouragement for education.
The Goan team studied the best practices of AP State Council of Higher Education towards the implementation of National Education Policy 2020 and interacted with the officials.
APSCHE chairman Prof K Hemachandra Reddy explained that the state government is implementing NEP under which it is taking several steps to implement several Educational schemes by allocating nearly Rs 53,000 crore to the education sector which has been attracting several states across the country. He further explained to the team about the AP State’s four year degree programme with research with an exit and entry option after the third year of study. He said that the Government of Andhra Pradesh has introduced a 10-month mandatory internship in both professional and conventional degree programmes.
Prof Hemachandra Reddy said that the Industry Institute Connect Portal and the LMS Portal of APSCHE are providing 1,75,000 online internships for multinational corporations like Amazon Web Services, SalesForce, Microsoft, etc. and with the NASSCOM Future Skills. He further explained the conduct of various entrance examinations for admission into professional courses and the online degree admissions for conventional degree programmes.
Prof Hemachandra Reddy said that during their two days visit to the state, the team from Goa concentrated on the Academic restructure, multidisciplinary, the conduct of Common Entrance exams as well as on the practices of integrating the internship component in degree programmes along with strategies of AP State in NAAC, NIRF and NBA rankings.
Goan team members led by Deputy Director (Academics), Directorate of Higher Education, Prof. FM Nadaf, D hailed the efforts of the AP government towards providing fee reimbursement to 86 percent students in the State. They praised that this is the unique fee reimbursement in the country which is going to change the education scenario in AP in the coming days.
The Goan team stated that the efforts of APSCHE, in implementing NEP 2020 letter and spirit were appreciable. They further said that the strategies of Future Readiness taken up by introducing Microsoft Upskilling Programme with a government spending of Rs. 32 crores is a good innovative initiative. They further praised APSCHE for taking up the mammoth task of providing internships for 3.5 lakh students in the State through the Portal and stated that their team would recommend their government to implement the internship and other best practices.
Dr Niyan Marchon, Professor in Teaching Learning and Educational Technology, Goa State Higher Education Council, Vandana Naik, Assistant Professor Research Development and Innovation, State Higher Education Council, Sandesh Gaonkar, Assistant Professor Software Development cell, Directorate of Higher Education, Siddhi Bhandankar Assistant Professor Software Development cell, Directorate of Higher Education, Melancy Mascarenhas Assistant Professor Software Development cell, Directorate of Higher Education, and Darryl Pereira, Assistant Professor, Network and System Incharge, Directorate of Higher Education were in the team from Goa.