2017 has been the year when the tech industry added LEDs and Wi-Fi to any household item and label it smart.
If you think the notch on the iPhone X's screen is stupid, then you have not been paying attention to other gadget categories. 2017 has been the year when the tech industry added LEDs and Wi-Fi to any household item and label it smart. And most of the times, the added features did not improve the product in any sensible way. (Photo: Substitute Phone)
Smart shower by Moen Hot showers are a bliss in chilly mornings. But, some people at Moen felt the urge to make these showers smart. Yes, the company offers a $1200 custom installation that enables you to control shower using a phone app. The biggest feature is that it lets you set a timer for your shower. Yeah right, because it is incredibly difficult for a human brain to realise it is time to get out of a shower. It also lets you keep track of the temperature with precision as if it is going to be used in some scientific experiment.
Hushme Voice Mask According to the official page, Hushme Voice Mask is a personal acoustic device that protects speech privacy when speaking on the phone. It is a complex device with array of microphones, earphones, and speakers. Answer a call using this device, and people around you won't be able to hear your conversation. You can even play preset sounds to mask your conversation. And here's how you are going to look like after wearing the Hushme Voice Mask. It looks like as if super-villain Bane's mask was made by Fisher-Price.
Xoo belt power bank As far as stupid products go, this one takes the cake. The company Xoo has embedded a Lithium Polymer battery in a trouser belt. The 1600 mAh unit can power up your smartphone for hours. However, we all know that a slight damage can set these batteries on fire. By putting it in your belt, Xoo clearly assumers that its customers value a phone than their family jewels.
Smart Toaster For decades, toaster has powered our breakfasts without failing. But, the guys at Griffins had the need to fix something that was not broken. Welcome the Bluetooth-enabled smart toaster, which can be controlled by a companion smartphone app. It changes the simple yet effective minute reading into some complex digital temperature adjustment. Lord, these guys are good at wasting time. And our money, as this smart toaster costs $99.99.
Smart water bottle When you are thirsty, your body gives you signals such as dry mouth to remind you to get hydrated. However, if you think that's not good enough, meet the Hidrate Spark smart bottle. It is a bluetooth enabled bottle that connects to your smartphone to poke you to get hydrated. It can even glow and flash to catch your attention. Hidrate Spark comes with a long lasting replaceable battery and costs $54,95.
Smart dustbin accessory Do you forget to buy certain items during grocery shopping? This garbage bin accessory can help you if you are ready to part with $150. The GeniCan clips on your rectangle dustbin and connects to the Wi-Fi. It is equipped with a barcode scanner. So, while throwing a milk carton or a food packet, you need to scan the product's code before dumping it. The GeniCan then make a note of it and ads it to your grocery list, which can be synced to your smartphone.
If you think the notch on the iPhone X\'s screen is stupid, then you have not been paying attention to other gadget categories. 2017 has been the year when the tech industry added LEDs and Wi-Fi to any household item and label it smart. And most of the times, the added features did not improve the product in any sensible way. (Photo: Substitute Phone)
2017 has been the year when the tech industry added LEDs and Wi-Fi to any household item and label it smart.