After being a showstopper for various designers, Kriti Sanon has now made a foray into designing. On Thursday, the actress launched Ms. Taken, in collaboration with Anjana Reddy's Universal Sportsbiz, at an event where she was the showstopper herself, gliding down the ramp in a shimmery black dress. (Photo: Shripad Naik)
Speaking to reporters, Anjana Reddy, the founder and CEO of Universal Sportsbiz Pvt Ltd, said that nothing about the show was serious and we were all here to have fun and this is what the brand is all about.
While aware of the difficulties that one must face to break into the women's western wear segment, Ms Reddy is ready to face them head on. (Photo: Shripad Naik)
Kriti Sanon said that there are days when I simply want to pair up a classic white tee with blue jeans and, for me, that is fashion. My line is also a reflection of that. (Photo: Shripad Naik)
Ayushmann Khurrana and Varun Sharma also graced the event in a bid to support the actress. (Photo: Shripad Naik)
Anjana Reddy waxed sentimental, as she looked back on her journey. I started the business when I was 23 and now, at 28, I feel I'm getting older laughs, Anjana. (Photo: Shripad Naik)
It's been a year of preparations. When we started the business, we always knew we wanted to be youth-focused, Anjana Reddy said. (Photo: Shripad Naik)
Reddy said, women's western wear is very competitive because it's the new age woman we are talking about someone who is well informed, well read and well travelled. The fit and the product have to be bang on and it took us a year to get that going. (Photo: Shripad Naik)
Shanon also explained the strategy behind the line. There were three categories in the youth space that we wanted to target. We had previously launched two brands, a men's casual wear range and one in the women's ethnic wear space. This is probably one of our most difficult projects. (Photo: Shripad Naik)
The collection, targeted for the youth, includes casual and semi-formal garments. The ramp walk itself was a reflection of that, with the models kicking off their heels and having a gala time onstage. (Photo: Shripad Naik)
After being a showstopper for various designers, Kriti Sanon has now made a foray into designing. On Thursday, the actress launched Ms. Taken, in collaboration with Anjana Reddy’s Universal Sportsbiz, at an event where she was the showstopper herself, gliding down the ramp in a shimmery black dress. (Photo: Shripad Naik)