A single drop of milk. A newborn baby. The ravages of war and terrorism. The defiance of those who protest and the fear of those entrapped.
The magazine's editors consulted historians and photo editors and curators around the world, while Time staff interviewed the photographers, picture subjects, friends and family to write essays on each image. (Photo: AP/Instagram)
The Beatles are captured in their element in this candid picture titled 'The Pillow Fight' (Photo: Instagram)
One of the most iconic photographs in the fashion world, Dovima With Elephants had the model donning the first evening gown designed by Yves Saint-Laurent (Photo: Instagram)
This image of Che Guevara called Guerrillero Heroico not only became a memorable picture of the revolutionary, but also remains an iconic one in pop culture across generations (Photo: Instagram)
This heartbreaking picture of a drowned Syrian child named Alan Kurdi on the Turkish coast shocked the world and highlighted the plight of Syrian refugees (Photo: AP)
The Loch Ness Monster remains an elusive myth of history as this is one of the earliest examples of it being captured on film (Photo: AP)
The Starving Child and Vulture brought out the gravity of the situation in Africa and remains a popular image on the social media for highlighting poverty and starvation plaguing the world (Photo: Instagram)
The image from Soweto Uprising in 1976 sparked global outrage against the Apartheid regime in South Africa (Photo: AP)
Jackie Kennedy's glamorous snap by Ron Galella is one of the most remarkable paparazzi photograph of all time (Photo: Instagram)
The 1979 image titled ' Molotov Man' by Susan Meiselas, brought out the raw intensity of the Sadinista revolution in Nacaragua (Photo: AP)
The Hindenburg Disaster was one of the most notable disasters in history, and the devastation was captured accurately in this image (Photo: AP)
The magazine\'s editors consulted historians and photo editors and curators around the world, while Time staff interviewed the photographers, picture subjects, friends and family to write essays on each image. (Photo: AP/Instagram)
A single drop of milk. A newborn baby. The ravages of war and terrorism. The defiance of those who protest and the fear of those entrapped.