
YVS Choudhury adores Nandamuri family

It is a rarity in Tollywood. Where a director openly admires the legendary Nandamuri family and sticks to it. We are talking about popular director YVS Choudhury who is planning to make a path-breaking film with the grandson of Harikrishna, father of Jr NTR, to make a comeback of sorts. “Actor and politician Harikrishna’s grandson Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao will be launched as a hero with this unique film,” says a source. YVS Choudhury had worked with Harikrishna in hit movies like ‘Laahiri Laahiri…’, ‘Seethaya’ and ‘Seetharama Raju’ and developed a good bonding with Harikrishna and his family. “Kalyan Ram and NTR had an elder brother named Janaki Ram who unfortunately passed away in an accident. His son is going to make his debut as a hero under YVS’ direction,” he adds.

Interestingly, YVS 'Bommarillu banner boasts of a legendary NTR picture and he openly claimed his fascination with the Nandamuri clan. “He also made a film ‘Okka Mogadu’ with Nandamuri Balakrishna and reiterated his liking for the legendary family,’ he adds. However, he worked more with Harikrishna and tasted commercial success.
He also issued advertisements of thespian NTR in the newspapers every year on both NTR’s birth and death anniversaries. He is the one who launched both Ram Pothineni(Devadasu) and Sai Dharam Tej(Rey) in Tollywood. “Both Ram and Sai Dharam got stardom and we hope Harikrishna’s grandson will get fame and fortune,” he concludes.
( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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