Duniya Vijay roped in for Jr NTR
A highly reliable source tells us that well-known Kannada actor Duniya Vijay will make his Telugu debut soon in Jr NTR’s upcoming film Jai Lava Kusa.“The film’s director Bobby and producer Kalyan Ram were in search of a new name to play the negative character. Popular Kannada actor Duniya Vijay seemed the perfect choice for the role of the antagonist in the film,” a source reveals.
The Kannada star, who is awaiting the release of Mastigudi — which was in the news late last year, when two stuntmen jumped from a helicopter into the water and died as rescue teams couldn’t reach in time. The film hasn’t released yet, and the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce even issued a temporary ban on Duniya Vijay at that time.
Meanwhile, the motion poster of Jai Lava Kusa, which was released on occasion of Srirama Navami, and has been trending online, has since crossed over a million views. The film sees Jr NTR in a triple role for the first time in his career. A 15-day schedule of the film is being planned in Rajasthan in May.