
Three men from bars'

Stand-up comedians Sorabh Pant, Angad Singh and Atul Khatri will talk about relationships at a show in Kochi this Sunday.

At the time they wrote the material, they had a different marital status. Sorabh Pant was married, but without kids, Angad Singh was engaged to be married and Atul Khatri, well, he was and still is married with kids. But then Sorabh has a kid now and Angad recently got married. They will, however, continue with the same material for a night of stand-up comedy in Kochi this Sunday. Why is the marital status important, you ask? Because they are talking about relationships.

Sorabh Pant who is coming to Kochi for the fourth time says there will be some Kerala specific jokes, but the main part of the show would be about relationships. The trio would get on stage and talk about their relationships in a show aptly titled ‘Men are from Bars’. Says Sorabh, “That’s just a pun on ‘Men are from Mars’,” he says. “I talk about how women in relationships are better than men. Atul talks about playing mind games with his wife and raises his children. We make jokes about the matrimonial ads that come in newspapers.”

For Atul, it is his first time in Kerala and he is really excited about it. “I have got fan mail from Kerala asking me when I would come to perform there. I have been to Chennai and Bengaluru, but not Kochi. And this show, we have been doing for two years now. It is a show for everybody who has been in a relationship,” he says. It is only his status that had not changed since they wrote the show two years ago. “Yes, I am 48 years old, married for 23 years, and have two children. I am not planning to have another,” he laughs.

Earlier it was Atul, Sorabh and Kunal Rao doing the show. Angad joined later on. They toured with the show through different parts of the country including Kolkata, Pune, Delhi, Bengaluru etc. In Kochi, they will be careful about the jokes. “Every time we are on stage, we will see how the audience is, in the first five minutes — if they could take all kinds of jokes, or if they are a little conservative. End of the day, we want everyone to have a great time,” says Atul. “And how can you make jokes about God’s Own Country”" he laughs.

The show will begin at JTPAC on Sunday, July 31 at 7 pm. For details, contact 8086881681/9349528057.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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