We look great together: Vivek Dahiya
Kawach couple Vivek and Mona talk about being buddies and supporting each other on the sets.

Looking at the chemistry lead actors Vivek Dahiya and Mona Singh share in the thriller Kawach Kali Shaktiyon Se, it’s hard to believe the duo are sharing screen space for the same time.
Vivek interestingly reveals that he was intimidated by Mona’s stardom, but the actress calmed his frayed nerves. In a candid chat, the duo, who share a great equation off-screen today, tell us about what makes them click:
How did the ice break when you guys met for the first time on the set?
Vivek: The very first day I shot with Mona was supposed to be a romantic scene. I was a little nervous, as I hadn’t romanced on-screen before, and I confessed this to my director. He was understanding, and I requested him not to tell Mona about it. After the scene he told Mona about my nervousness and we had a good laugh over it. We became quite comfortable after it.
Mona: Our first scene was a romantic one, so Vivek was a little nervous, but our director is pretty cool. He came to me and said that Vivek is scared of me. It’s then that I walked up to him and said I wasn’t going to ‘eat him up and let’s just act!’
Was it awkward filming the romantic scenes at any point considering this is the first time you guys are sharing screen space?
Vivek: It was awkward at the start because it was the first time I was shooting with her, and we didn’t know each other that well. But, as time passed by we got to know each other well and the chemistry started building up and we got through it.
Mona: Not for me, but I think for Vivek it was a little awkward.
What makes your on-screen chemistry work?
Vivek: We’re really good friends now. We keep pulling each other’s leg and keep fooling around on sets. Also, we rehearse and prepare for our scenes together. That helps fine-tune our chemistry.
Mona: I think our on-screen chemistry works because of the powerful dialogues and effective background music. Also, we look good together.
Who is the better co-star among the two of you?
Vivek: Of course, I’m the better co-star.
Mona: Me, of course!
How many times have you burst out laughing while filming scenes?
Vivek: There are times when Mona is doing an intense scene and I’m not in that zone, so it ends up being funny. Especially now that we’re good friends, there have been many moments.
Mona: I’m the bully, so I keep bullying Vivek all the time. I make him a little conscious before the scene. He keeps requesting me to not bully him before the scenes, so he can concentrate, but I still do!
Who takes more retakes?
Vivek: I’m quite embarrassed to say it, but it’s me.
Mona: Yes, it’s Vivek. He fumbles, resulting in retakes.
Any scene that made you go ‘I wish I’d done this better’?
Vivek: As an actor you are never content. On my way home I am always wondering ‘I wish I had done that particular scene better’, and so on. From the scenes that I have shot recently, the one that I wish I had done better would be the whole jealousy track.
Mona: Well, it happens to me every day, because as an actor, you always want to do something different every single day. So, every time I go home, I rewind all the scenes in my mind and think I could have done this better.
One thing you like and dislike about each other…
Vivek: One thing I like about Mona is that she’s very disciplined, she’s professional and comes to the sets on time, well rehearsed. One think I dislike is her eating habits. She keeps a tab over her food way too much. Sometimes I feel she just needs to relax. She needs to take a back seat and enjoy life. I understand she is an actress but sometimes it’s fine to indulge.
Mona: One thing that I like about Vivek is that he is always open to new ideas. He will always hear you out if you have something to tell, and he will be open to suggestions as well. There is nothing that I dislike about him. I think I still have to figure it out.
What’s your off-screen equation like?
Vivek: We’re very similar in a lot of ways. We’re both up for a laugh and pull each other’s legs all the time. So, it’s very cordial and a healthy equation we share. I’m grateful I got her as my co-star.
Mona: We eat together; he’s a foodie and so am I. It’s a very dangerous combination, because then we attack all the sweets when not shooting, and that’s not good for our health.
Where are you most likely to be found during breaks on the set?
Vivek: Either chit-chatting with my director, or my co-actors. I could also be in my vanity van watching movies.
Mona: Sleeping in my vanity van.
Who is the jagga jasoos of the set, who gets all the gossip?
Vivek: I would say I’m the jagga and she’s the jasoos; we’re a combo.
Mona: Both of us get gossip, and the minute we get it, we’re dying to exchange it.
Any annoying habits or secrets you’d like to reveal about each other?
Vivek: She’d kill me if I revealed her secrets! I still have a few episodes to shoot with her. Maybe once the shoots are over, I’ll reveal a few secrets.
Mona: No, there’s no such secret I know of.
Rapid Fire
Favourite corner on the sets:
Vivek: The monitor, so I can review my
Mona: Under the chandelier.
Favourite food on the sets:
Vivek: No food in particular, but I enjoy having coconut water twice everyday on the sets.
Mona: Pav bhaji.
Things you cannot do without on the sets:
Vivek: My food, frequent meals, protein bars, iPad, speakers and most importantly, my script.
Mona: My mirror and my script.
Your favourite line on the sets:
Vivek: Action, and pack up.
Mona: Ho gaya kya?
Your stress buster on the set:
Vivek: Venting to Mona. If there’s any stress, I just share it with her.
Mona: Vivek’s jokes.
Your wildest fantasy:
Vivek: I don’t believe in revealing my wildest fantasy (grins).
Mona: Since I’m playing a possessed
woman on the show, I’d like to play that prank on some people in real life!
Your dream date:
Vivek: My wife, Divyanka.
Mona: Good music, good food and
great conversation.