Here\'s all you need to know about Dr Pradeep Gadge
Many books are there in the market written by Dr Pradeep Gagde, which are hugely famous.

According to data out of ten - five are diabetic in India, the ratio is going to increase in coming years. It is actually an issue from the past decade for the whole world as the rate of diabetic people is rising.
Dr.pradeep Gagde one of the well-known specialist Doctor, world record holder in 2013 for screening the most number of diabetic patients in a single day and also certified speaker at ADA (American Diabetes Association). He feels Diabetes is beyond blood sugar levels; Diabetes is not caused only due to eating sweets it can be due to stress, hereditary and there many other reasons behind it.
Dr Pradeep Gagde, who is practising from 2004, he is from Mumbai and known for handling most complicated cases of Diabetes in India. Many books are there in the market written by Dr Pradeep Gagde, which are hugely famous, he has given training to many doctors, Physicians and students in colleges.
You can imagine his knowledge of his field by knowing his result, he was the topper at his time, and the second number was 10% behind him. It clearly shows his expertise and interest in his subject Diabities.
Dr.Pradeep has clinics at many places in Mumbai, where he visits his patients regularly. Dr.Pradeep is very much active in the social media platform, where he shares his thought and guides people for free. He is hugely famous on Facebook and Instagram his post are simply awesome, his style is different than other doctors if you see his Facebook account his posts are unique and beautifully made with animated images, eye catchy, funny and with a serious message to it.
Many top magazines, the newspaper often take his interviews to keep his views on the latest updates on health and care, some of the top newspaper like Times of India, India times, Indian Express and many more were you would see his expert blogs and views for people.