
Tantalising TENets: Don't miss the Bass'

Kevin Vineeth Kumar, a local bassist was subjected to our rapid-fire. And here's how he fared.

1) If you weren’t a musician, what would you be doing?
Probably belly dancing. Just kidding! I’d be a full-time athlete. I’ve been quite successful in sports before I took up music.

2) Eternal youth or a fat wallet? What’s the first thing you’d pick if you had to make a choice in 10 seconds?
Before the demonetisation of the Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 bucks, I would say fat wallet. But now the only Rs 500 I had left is gone. Eternal youth for sure. Who doesn’t wanna be young and look young, you can always have fun without money!

3) What came first — the chicken or the egg?
The egg. Cause the chicken can not come before the egg. Gosh the worst PJ ever, but just had to. It’s just an influence from my lead singer. His fault!

4) The sleaziest pick-up line used by you/on you?
By me: Saw this pretty girl and was like, “I was gonna say God Bless You, but looks like he already did.”
On Me: On a scale of 1 to 10, you’re a 9. I’m the 1 you need!

5) Take us through an instance of a date gone real bad...
Forgot my wallet. Can you imagine what I’d have gone through. Enough said!

6) Music to you is? And if you were to explain it to your grand mum, how would you do it?
Music to me is my biggest stress buster! I would tell my grandma that “You know when you start bobbing your head to those cool bass lines you hear? That’s what I do. I play cool bass lines.”

7) A fashion trend you wouldn’t even try on gunpoint?
Those massive earnings that fit into your ear lobe. Not a big fan of piercings. Wearing my mum’s nighty for a show. I know a friend who does that.

8) A guilty pleasure?
Iceee creaammmmm and fanoos rolls. And occasionally, bugging the heck out of my best friend.

9) A trait about yourself, you wish people knew?
My ballet dancing skills Just joking! Probably that I do sing a little bit.

10) A compliment that you never really understood?
You have the cutest ears. Like what?

— As told to Pooja Prabhan

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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