No one can stop Ilayaraja show - Vishal
“Maestro Ilayaraja’s grand tribute show will take place at any cost on Feb 2 and 3 as planned and no one can stop that,” Tamil Film Producers Council president Vishal said at the inauguration of a new building and a mastering unit exclusively for TFPC in the city. This was in retaliation to producers who had gone to court to get a stay on the show as they claimed that Vishal is acting arbitrarily without consulting its members and spending huge amounts belonging to TFPC.
Vishal went on to say, “The court is like a temple and we abide by the laws. When the issue comes to hearing, we will justify our stand. We have not misappropriated TFPC funds as claimed by a few. Had they asked the statement of accounts, we would have happily given it to them. Now, they are wasting our money by going to court.”
Vishal also revealed that the General Body Meeting of TFPC would take place on March 3. “We will produce the audited accounts then. Only then the election date for TFPC will be announced. Anyone can contest in the elections.”