
Is Kamal Haasan quitting films? (Not really)

The film star who began his political career formally on Wednesday with a party launch is unlikely to quit films.

It’s ‘party’ time for Kamal Haasan, yet another actor from Tamil Nadu to swear he will clean the body-politic with the broom of his idealism. Lofty aspiration to change the country’s political system and free it of corruption notwithstanding , it is very unlikely , in fact impossible, that Kamal Haasan would quit films, as he threatens to do. There is no reason for him to give up the very medium that has given him the platform to stand up there with such tall political convictions.
Far from forsaking films, Kamal is actually going to use his cinema to propagate his political ideology. In the forthcoming sequel to Shankar’s 1996 hit Indian, the Nirav Modi scam will be written in.

Indian was about eradicating corruption and 22 years later the subject has become even more topical. The Nirav Modi scam will definitely feature in Indian 2. There will be an attempt to incorporate Kamal’s political ideology in all his future films. He is definitely not giving up films. It would be like cutting the branch on which he sits.

One feature of the opening day of his political journey was the hordes of people who came spontaneously to see the star in Rameswaram and Madurai. Will the heady feeling of becoming a neta make him change his mind? Cinema insiders say Kamal is too much of an artiste to give up the actor inside him. We should know in the near future as political analysts are saying that the elections are not far away in Tamil Nadu. Let’s wait and see who is right.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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