What is Mani Ratnam's greatest high?
During the event, Mani addressed several questions ranging from funny experiences during film shoots to the complexities of writing a book.

The six-time National Award-winning director was in a lighter mood, when he attended a book launch in the city as a chief guest. During the event, Mani Ratnam addressed several questions ranging from funny experiences during film shoots to the complexities of writing a book.
Speaking about what gives him fulfillment while penning a script, Mani said, “For me, when a simple idea takes shape and forms as a character or plot, it gives me the greatest high as a filmmaker.”
As the book that he launched dealt with women empowerment, the director was asked if we could expect a movie from him along those lines, to which he replied, “To be frank, I don’t know. A film doesn’t just happen. It has to form from within. So, let’s see.”
When asked if he would ever write a book, the acclaimed director politely denied it, saying, “Writing books is a very hard task. Hence, I should just stick to films.”