Don't want your money!
The Brangelina split may be in the news for all kinds of reasons but here's why Jolie's brave decision matters to women across the world.

On Tuesday night, it was all over for ‘Brangelina’, one of the world’s most high-profile celebrity couples and two of the most recognised faces in show business.
Minutes after the announcement of an impending divorce, the Hollywood gurus set about crunching numbers because as early as last November, the tabloids were claiming that the Brangelina split was worth at least $800 million. That figure was inflated because the couple’s combined net worth is about $US400 million — and then there are the rumoured nine million-dollar properties world over!
But as settlements go, this one has raised a few eyebrows. Angie wants none of Pitt’s $240 million. She has sought no spousal support, wants full custody of their six children and going by how much the World War Z star’s drug-addled parenting has been making the news, it’s unlikely the wife wants him around the kids anytime soon.
For Jolie — Oscar winner, the UN’s special envoy for refugees, campaigner for education and child rights at hotspots in Asia and Africa — this is the closing of a chapter and the time to move on from a “toxic influence”.
In India too, there have been cases of celebrities walking away from these toxic relationships. Tamil actress Amala Paul, called it off with director-husband Vijay. Paul was faced with the prospect of never working again and she chose to exit with no demand for maintenance or permanent alimony. A few years prior, Nagarjuna split with first wife Lakshmi in an equally quick divorce. The best example however is Sarika — actor Kamal Haasan’s former wife. Sarika, who was not professionally active at the time of the split, left without seeking compensation and went on to forge a complete career, afresh.
Experts say money plays a very small part for strong, independent women. “What she is looking for is companionship, respect and love. Money is just a small part. When these women get married, they are looking for a man who provide genuine emotional support because they can earn the money on their own,” explains Dr Nisha.
Then, there is the abuse and the ones who’ve had enough. Sravanthi Juluri, an artist walked out of an abusive marriage a few years ago and for her, it was all about the fresh start. “I did not want any money. I just wanted the nightmare to end and I did not want anything connecting us anymore. I knew I could take good care of my son. For me, it was all about starting afresh without the shadow of an abusive husband,” explains Sravanthi.
Often though, due to the gamut of laws protecting both sides and because of rampant abuse, women often find themselves stuck in situations. In such cases, experts believe the way out is the best — money or no money.
“It’s great Jolie is so independent. But sometimes, there have been instances of women — who have been financially dependent on their husbands — end the marriage. But they have no other way other that asking their husbands for help. Because when a spouse turns abusive, it is the person’s right to walk out of it whether they receive any money or not,” says Dr Shiva Kuma, a clinical psychologist with the Apollo Hospitals group.
RJ Ruby Ann from Chennai, who has a strong take on such matters, adds, “Many women say no to spousal support primarily because of two reasons — usually the court proceedings will extend upto two years and they don’t want to deal with the drama associated with alimony, child support etc. I wish men could understand that if they are capable of bringing a child into the world, they are equally responsible for taking care of the kid too... do they really need a court of law to tell them that?”
Brangelina may have split for reasons, best known to the two. But the idea behind the move is simple — why rely on a person from the past for your future?
(With inputs from Merin James)