Winnie Harlow explains herself
Winnie Harlow has made some controversial statements about her time as a contestant on America’s Next Top Model about how the show did not really help kick-start her career as model. And those comments have come back to bite her often through her modelling career. But the Harlow put out an Instagram post recently with a lengthy note explaining her statement, reports
The drama started when supermodel and mentor Tyra Banks spoke about how she did not agree with Harlow’s statement but respected her opinion nonetheless. So Winnie stepped in to clear the air, writing, “It has nothing to do with being ungrateful, and more over nothing to do with ‘shade’ to Tyra. She was the first person of higher status to make me feel like I could be a model and not only am i grateful for that, it’s something I’ll never forget (sic).”
But Harlow also continued to explain, “After being on the show no one would book me and no agency would sign me because of the Reality Tv stigma. My truth is, I stand by what I said and I say it because I don’t want girls thinking it’s a jump start to a modelling career because of me. I learned that the best thing to do to become a model and to be taken seriously is to take plain head shots and find a reputable modelling agency (sic).”