Meet Samaira Sandhu - An epitome of success to all women who dream big
The story of Samaira Sandhu is Samaira Sandhu is one of endurance, spirit and persistent hard work.

Mumbai: The story of Samaira Sandhu is Samaira Sandhu is one of endurance, spirit and persistent hard work. From the humble beginnings of small-town upbringing, this beautiful belle of the north rose from nothing to what she is today, a brand in herself.
It was with a sheer stroke of destiny and passion for beauty and aesthetics that turned this nutrition and dietetics major into a makeup professional she is today. After graduating from Kryolan Academy in Berlin, which prepared this young protégé into a full-fledged beauty career aspirant, Samaira returned home to start work as a Pan India Trainer for the renowned makeup brand. After two years of honing her skills, Samaira made the career highlighting switch to MAC Cosmetics where, in the next two years, she got the grasp of what women desire, what they expect and how it is the job of a makeup professional to help them envision their beauty.
The two years in MAC, followed by a year's stint with Lancome helped Samaira prepare the blueprints of her future. With the help of a large social media fan base and some very loyal clientele, who still swear by her exceptional work, Samaira became a freelance makeup artist in 2016 and the foundation stone for the brand - Samaira Sandhu Makeup Artist was laid down.
It was Samaira's will and courage to choose for herself from the nascent stages of her life that turned her into the person she is today. No career is made without sacrifices. Same holds true for Ms Sandhu who gave up so much in life to be what she always wanted to be. Every year added to one's life teaches a whole gamut of lessons and over the years, Samaira learned how true happiness for her is the joyous look of disbelief on her bride's face when her makeover is complete.
In her own words – "That moment and many like it are the reason why I am what I am today. To be able to make a woman's most important day even more special with a few strokes of a brush gives me immense joy and gratitude towards the industry I am a part of. I would not trade this life for any other as I was destined to bring a smile on faces with my work and this is what I intend to do with my talent, experience and artistry for years to come."