Yash Vardhan Swami takes beauty and fitness industry to whole new level!
With the use of trends and utilisation of modern resources such as social media, Yash has used his entrepreneur skills effectively.

Mumbai: Entrepreneurship is the latest trend these days worldwide. Youngsters from all over the world are aspiring to build something of their own and make an impact on the world and their country. Out of the box thinking, a skilful mind and the art to sell your service while providing value to the customers is the key points that every entrepreneur must have.
There has been a huge dominance of people of the technological field in the entrepreneurship scene in India. Yash Vardhan Swami is a fitness and body trainer who took entrepreneurship and fitness industry to a whole new level and gave it a different dimension. Yash Vardhan Swami whos a law graduate fitness trainer has changed the scene of the fitness industry in the country.
Yash Vardhan Swami works with a lot of brands and corporates which are very famous worldwide as a brand ambassador and has celebrity clients like Sumedh Mudalkar, Anna Kler, Shefali Sood. He promotes fitness and a healthy lifestyle and gives seminars nationally and internationally and was also interviewed at BBC Radio Leicester last year. (though it wasn't aired). Yash has been spreading awareness on health and fitness internationally and for developing the business he has also gives online coaching.
Yash Vardhan with his unique style and use of technology expanding his brand and awareness about fitness and health. In the year 2018, he started a hashtag #40kStepsChallenge a unique way of promoting fitness and daily habits which went viral and hundreds of people around the world followed it and over 150 people got their prize after completing the challenge.
With the use of trends and utilisation of modern resources such as social media, Yash Vardhan Swami has truly used his entrepreneur skills very effectively. Yash with his ideas inspiring the youth and a large number of people for fitness is truly remarkable. Using his entrepreneur skills and business mind have turned his profession of a fitness trainer and life coach into a more effective and influencing work that changes people live in a much better way.