Exclusive: Raabta team paid huge amount to settle plagiarism row with Magadheera?
On Thursday, the parties representing Magadheera and Raabta settled the legal dispute outside the court and Geetha Arts has officially withdrawn the case. The film is now set to release as per schedule on Friday. Raabta director, Dinesh Vijayan, convinced Allu Arvind to watch the film after the latter charged allegations of copyright violation. After watching it, the director decided to withdraw his injunction request. The injunction notice stated, “We, Geetha Arts, the original makers of Magadheera, feel that the Hindi film Raabta is being remade, violating the copy rights. Hence, we approached the Hyderabad court seeking injunction against the film’s release.”
A huge amount of money paid?
On Thursday, the publicity team of Sushant Singh Rajput and Kriti Sanon-starrer Raabta released a statement which said “Raabta won”, regarding the plagiarism charges that were filed against them by the producers of the Telugu film Magadheera. While it was a clever move from the team, it turns out, the team of Raabta had gone into a panic mode just ahead of the film’s release and chose an out-of-the-court settlement to be able to release the film as scheduled.
“They chose to pay a huge amount not to prolong the case. Once the film releases, things will become clearer as to whether the film has taken inspiration or not. The team of Magadheera doesn’t intent to speak about this anymore because the settlement has been done,” shares a source from the production house of the film. While the team of Raabta did try hard to make it seem like a win (which it technically is considering the other party withdrew), now we all know what exactly happened.