
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)


If you are traveling, do not get hassled with delays and become impatient. People whom you have not seen for some time will respond with enthusiasm. Your personal friends may land both themselves and you in trouble, so be careful in choosing your company. Any attempts at boosting your personal income through shady or semi-legal dealings can prove disastrous.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)


It could be children who want you to come and see a cultural show which they are putting up, but demands at the professional front will leave you with little time. It may be hard for you to keep a balance between home and office. For those of you who want to make an investment in real estate, this could be a good time.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)


Increased communications with superiors, clients or a parent is favoured. Those of you who are pursing a career in the airlines should expect to receive a new job offer from your competitors. You should give up your hesitation and make the most of this opportunity. Don't get swayed away by only monetary gains but consider the advancement in your career.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)


It will be a good day for dealing with people who wield power and authority behind the scenes. The day is the time when your hunches are likely to prove correct. Your intuition should be right on target. You will not have very much trouble finding the right way to approach your superior and too sweet talk favours out of them.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)


Home life may be little unsettled as it will not be as easy to get your partner understand your true motives. But greater understanding can help youngsters to overcome problems that may have been affecting their studies. Forward planning is best postponed until later. Friends may pay you a surprise visit.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)


You would appear to be in for one of your happiest and most productive days. Members of your family will be agreeable to your plans for having a good time. You will feel more at ease with yourself and others. Worries that have been nagging away at the back of your mind will fade into insignificance. Today's activities can also being interesting business opportunities.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)


There will be opportunities to meet people socially that can very probably help you with your career. You will probably in a buoyant mood after what appears to have been a happy and successful day. People may be pushing you hard to lend them money. You should resist the temptation to do so, even if you feel you can afford it at the moment.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)


Close associates would only squander money and it would not do them any good. Dreams that you have been harboring may fall for short of fulfillment. Don't make long range plans. Your colleagues are going to look up to you for advice and you may even be asked to lead your team. Motivation will be the key word to success today.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)


This is a good time for you to put forward your views and suggestions as you will meet colleagues from different branches at an official conference. In matters of the heart, both of you will be in a mood to do something different - probably try out a new cuisine or go to an art gallery and watch some fascinating pieces of art.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)


Your energy level is low and you aren't focused on the tasks at hand at all. Be wary of new love connections or even a new job prospect at this time, as it is a quick fix to soothe this mood, not a long-term option. This is a good time for you to accept an inter-department transfer or shift your focus to a new project at the work front.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)


Family relations are rather tense, but elders in the family may try to patch up differences and they may succeed to quite some extent. Emotional outbursts and impatience are likely, and all this could be related to your ill health. You will be unable to understand that tiredness and over exertion is sapping your energy. You need to rest and worry about health issues.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)


Bright ideas will emerge in your career environment, and you will be part of the team which is going to initiate these ideas. This is a good time for getting your thoughts into order and making plans. Be ready for a public platform to express your ideas or demonstrate your knowledge and skills.