
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)


Some investments in the business field will attain a good profit for the unemployed persons. Students are advised to back up your confidence and optimism with hard-work and sincerity to sow the seeds for your progress. Sportsmen will find themselves very active today, with a considerable love for risk and adventure. At home, you will listen to the complaints about children not studying properly.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)


For teachers this day will be a perplexing one. Nothing will be going right for you today and frustrations are bound to surface. It is not a good day for those who are in show world. Emotional turbulence can upset your peace, but auspicious functions can give you some solace. Plenty of sun light, fresh air and outdoor physical activities will bring good.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)


Children through their studies and other activities will achieve a good impression among teachers and other students. You're likely to make big advances in business plans. Taking careful steps will help to deal with further complications if any. Understanding nature in the character of teachers will help you today to deal with the problems of students today.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)


Once you have a clear mind and the information you need you are likely to see that even tough decisions are not so hard for you. Socialization is on the cards, so at some point you can expect to set aside your obligations and take some time out for fun. You may not be able to do it immediately, but you can at least begin the planning process today.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)


Your intelligence and common sense, as well as effective communication, will take you very far towards reaching your goals. Use your strongest skills to lay a foundation for a very successful personal and professional life. You may be able to offer others some help on difficult problems that need clever solutions. Impressed by your problem-solving abilities, you can expect to be consulted more and more by those who need help!

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)


Today watch your mailbox as some good news may be coming to you from far away. If you are a student this could be a scholarship or admission to a university. Either way, watch your mail or your email from some exciting written news from afar. If you find yourself stuck in a problematic situation today then use your intellectual capacity to get yourself out.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)


Your great ability to solve problems will be a real asset to your friends and family today as they lean on you for help. Your capabilities will be on display for all to see today and your wisdom deeply appreciated. Be kind and generous with your thoughts and your words when dealing with others today and at the end of it all you will feel very satisfied inside.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)


Today you may find yourself extending help to those around you, with no selfish motive whatsoever other than the good feeling it gives you. Relationships will be very high on your list of priorities today, whether with those close to you or with those unknown to you previously. You will enjoy the feeling of bonding that you get when you are with your loved ones today.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)


To be right in your decisions today you should make sure you take all decisions after very careful and thoughtful consideration. Do not make decisions in a hurried or frenzied manner or else you will find that you regret your choices later. You have the ability to make the right choices now, but if you don't take the time to think things through, you will have to do it all over again later.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)


Today may bring you an unexpected reunion. This will be a good surprise and you should pleasantly anticipate the joy this reunion will bring. Old friends are dear friends, so share with this person how much you appreciate them coming back into your life. Make sure you don't lose touch this time around! Use your mind to increase your respect today.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)


Businessmen and industrialists will sign new contract for commencing new ventures. Singles will meet someone attractive from a totally different background or community. Trying to be perfect and expecting others to do the same will only result in further disappointment. You have the brains and the creativity to work your way out of any difficult situation, so draw on all these strengths today.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)


Don't be in a rush to seek a romantic commitment. Unexpected business trip will bring minor disturbances to your schedule. But the result is going to be beneficial for you and your firm. Having some meditation will do you good today to calm your feverish activities. Are you a bit nervous, no need to be. Your love sign will favor you today to express your love and attain a positive reply.