
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 21)


Leaving them until the day could create many problems. You must make more of an effort to come to grips with jobs that you may have been putting off for some considerable time. Many people will be willing to help you. The day is not the time for crossing swords with people in authority. Try to spend more time at home.

Aquarius (Jan 22 - Feb 19)


Make sure that you use your time in a meaningful way this day. High spirits characterize your feelings. You will seek excitement in this day. This day sees you in fine fettle. Little jobs at home will keep you busy in this day. Do not reveal a somewhat one track mind as it can limit you and put the damper on many of the prize talents that you possess.

Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20)


Family members need both your time and assistance. Influential people are apt to show special favors. There should be at least one chance for you to make new friend. You can ask your boss or superior for a raise or promotion. A light touch makes you more endearing to the bigwigs. You will be easily affected by change in ownership. Backache in the midday is likely.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)


You will have enough to indulge in a bit of splurging. Measures taken by you will help in ensuring your physical and mental well being. You can go ahead with financial transactions as the day appears favourable. Channelising your energy in something you want to accomplish appears possible. A good break in a prestigious organization is likely for those in media or allied services.

Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)


On the social front, you can expect the support of your well-wishers. Spouse will be eager to get you in an upbeat mood. You may need to hit the pause button to bring your fast moving social life to a temporary halt. Those looking for love may've to chart out a fresh course of action. Hurdles will be overcome by those trying to recover outstanding payments.

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)


Some event that you had organized can prove a drain on your finances. Money you have been trying to recover from someone may take some more time to materialize. It will be a good idea to confide in parents rather than in friends about a particular issue. A minor ailment can trouble you from a long period, if you are not cautious enough to prevent it.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)


Say goodbye to depressing thoughts as positivity is set to enter you life. You will be irrepressible at work as your logic and persuasive powers conquer opposition. Financial condition improves substantially. A difficult task at work can tie you up in knots, but perseverance will pay. A workplace rival may offer you an olive branch, but find out why before accepting it.

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)


Tough competition at work can dishearten you. Some of you can make a plan with loved ones to visit someone close. Mental stress is set to disappear. Financial front is all set to stabilize as money starts coming in. Seniours at work will appreciate your suggestions about something critical, but you'll need to be meticulous in implementing it.

Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23)


Balanced approach in financial matters will add to monetary stability. Those traveling with a specific purpose will achieve their aim. A time is ripe for those bitten by the love bug to take the next step. Those aiming for greener pastures will need to judge things correctly as plans can go wrong. Finishing a school project can be a trying experience, but you'll be able to complete it.

Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)


Financial soundness may encourage you to invest in risky ventures, but don't succumb to temptation. A set routine is key to good health. Increment that you had been awaiting is likely to be received now. Good profits accrue for those who are freelancing or doing part-time job. Taking up a difficult task it likely to empress seniours. Romance will give you immense joy as you get to spend the day with lover.

Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 22)


Arrival of visitors at home can prove exciting. A lifestyle change may be needed to keep good health. You will be able to sort out a problem aroused. It is important that you attempt to build up a stronger family spirit. The day is good for dealing with heads of large business firms of every kind. You should definitely try to clinch important contracts.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)


You should be more preserving and do not take no for an answer. You may avoid any argument developing with your superiors at your place of employment. Try to be warmer and a lot more outgoing, showing interest in their ideas. An early start would be extremely helpful for you this day. If there are pressing household chores to be carried out, it would be best to do those first things.