KSRTC lacks even a time table
Most of the buses in the city are not punctual.

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The snail’s pace of file movement and lack of data on their own services delays the implementation of many ambitious plans of the Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) in Thiruvananthapuram city, allege activists.
It was only recently that the RTA under District Collector Biju Prabhakar recommended giving numbers to buses that ply on separate routes for the benefit of people and tourists who do not follow Malayalam boards.
However the traffic cell in the city does not have a time table or the route and their stops of their buses.
However, surprisingly the request letter to provide details has also gone missing for days inside Thiruvananthapuram traffic cell of the KSRTC which is yet to computerise its processes.
“Most of the buses in the city are not punctual. In many cases they just give the destination of the buses. All these buses ply towards destinations through various routes. So we asked for the route stops of city buses but they just sit on the file,” an activist said.
Incidentally, many complaints including high priority ones that were forwarded to KSRTC from high priority senders like the Chief Minsiter’s office have not elicited answers in the past also.
Each of the five KSRTC zonal offices and their headquarters need to have a copy of these time tables. However, the management does not have any idea on which buses they run and when.
When contacted, KSRTC officials who do not wish to be identified, said that for local services it is impossible to stick to a published timetable.
“Services are charted based on passenger traffic, availability of buses and staffers,” he said.