IIM Bangalore to feature on Top 50 World University rankings
The ranking is based on survey data collected from over 2,000 supply chain professionals.

Bangalore: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB), at the 31st position, is the only Asian Management school to be ranked in the prestigious ‘2016 SCM World University 100’ survey by SCM World. IIMB has been ranked alongside universities like University of Michigan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, INSEAD, University of Texas at Austin, among others.
“We are proud to be ranked in the ‘2016 SCM World University’ ranking. IIMB started the Supply Chain Management Centre (SCMC) over a decade ago, sensing the need for an effective mechanism to promote closer and enduring industry-institute collaboration. The distinguished faculty line-up and high quality research in different aspects of supply chain management at SCMC have been instrumental for this achievement,” said Professor Raghavan Srinivasan, Director Incharge, IIMB.
IIMB has been actively pursuing Supply Chain Management as a major area of teaching and research. The SCMC at IIMB has carried out dedicated research, teaching and consulting activities in different aspects of Supply Chain Management covering logistics management, inbound/outbound transportation, network design, modeling and optimization, partnership and negotiation, information technology and e-commerce and end-to-end Supply Chain Management strategies.
The Centre builds upon the strengths of IIMB in research, education, and integration of inter-functional business disciplines to serve as a valuable knowledge-generating resource, and contributes to development of cutting-edge strategies and practical solutions to problems encountered by organizations in the management of end-to-end supply chains.
The ranking is based on survey data collected from over 2,000 supply chain professionals. In the survey the participants were asked to select the top three universities, as a marker of supply chain talent. For scoring three points were awarded for a number one ranking, two points for a number two ranking, and one point for a number three ranking. The final ranking was based on the total scaled score, and then by the total number of votes.
‘SCM World’ boasts of a network of world’s most influential supply chain practitioners and cross- industry learning community. Every year these groups of supply chain professionals administer a survey to recognize top 100 business schools for supply chain talent worldwide.