Trump says wants to move quickly to nominate new FBI director

Critics have assailed Trump for dismissing Comey just as the agency is investigating alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US election.

Update: 2017-05-14 07:05 GMT
US President Donald Trump. (Photo: AP)

Aboard Air Force One: US President Donald Trump said on Saturday he wants to move quickly to nominate a new FBI director to replace James Comey, who he fired this week.

Trump said reporters traveling with him on Air Force One that he may be able to make his decision on the Federal Bureau of Investigation head before he leaves in his first foreign trip later next week.

"Even that is possible," Trump said.

Critics have assailed Trump for abruptly dismissing Comey just as the agency is investigating alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 US election, and possible Moscow ties to the Trump presidential campaign. Russia denies the claims.

Trump said the candidates were "outstanding people" and "very well known."

Trump is considering 11 people to replace Comey, a White House official said. Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, Republican Senator John Cornyn, New York Appeals Court Judge Michael Garcia and former Assistant Attorney General Alice Fisher will be interviewed on Saturday for the post, an administration official said.

The decision is subject to confirmation by the US Senate, where Republicans have a majority.

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