No Man's Sky: Not a multiplayer game

Here's what you can expect from No Man's Sky

Update: 2016-08-09 19:20 GMT
No Man's Sky

While some PlayStation gamers have already gotten their hands on No Man’s Sky, the PC community is left waiting for a few more days before they can finally get their hands on the most anticipated games of the year. But the question really is, what is No Man’s Sky and what should you expect. First off, No Man’s Sky is not a multiplayer game, a fact even Hello Games founder Sean Murray has stressed upon just before the games launch: “To be super clear — No Man’s Sky is not a multiplayer game. Please don't go in looking for that experience.” With about 18 quintillion planets in the games procedurally generated universe, the chances of you coming across another player looks quite slim.

The games focus is exploration, with your curiosity driving you towards the games supposed end game, locating the centre of the universe. One big change being added to the game via a massive day one patch is ‘paths’; players must now choose one of three paths at the beginning of the game that helps determine how the rest of your experience will unfold in No Man’s Sky. Presumably, this has more to do with how you interact with new planets, species and resources as the games main objective is to discover new things, mine precious ores and materials that can later be traded for upgrades.

Each solar system has its own economy with an intricate supply and demand system, so you might have to travel around to find just what a planet you visited earlier is willing to pay a big price for. The patch is also introducing more variety in terms of planets and their ecosystems which will inevitably lead to newer species of flora and fauna for you to discover; you can explore deep cave networks, make a mini base of operation, feed local wildlife and get them to help you and many crazier things in the games massive universe.

Exploration truly is the essence of No Man’s Sky, while there are indeed space stations and space battles, most of your experience is going to be of the solitary explorer travelling across gruelling and yet beautiful landscapes; basically to go where no man has gone before.

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