You can now use Flipkart in another language

E-commerce platform Flipkart has launched a Hindi language interface on its platform.

Update: 2019-09-04 08:22 GMT

E-commerce platform Flipkart has launched a Hindi language interface on its platform. This has been done to aid the incoming rush of new, native language speaking internet users using its services.

An industry research suggested that 90% of new internet users in India are native language speakers. The move comes after a lot of intensive research and understanding the company said, since it conducted hours of field work. Researchers spoke to customers across different cities to gather interesting insights about their online behaviour and how a native language experience enhances their comfort and convenience for them. The research mostly circled around users logging in from Tier-II and Tier-III cities.  

Close to 200 million native speaking users are expected to experience the internet for the first time to whom the company is attempting to reach out to, it said in a statement. Thus, the site is also further introducing audio-visual support to help them navigate through their app.

Kalyan Krishnamurthy, CEO of the now Walmart-owned Flipkart group said, “We have deployed around 80-90% of our resources towards Bharat, with our Hindi interface being one of the biggest catalysts in this transition. As language is a convenience and not a barrier, we believe this native language capability will play a significant role in further adoption of e-commerce in the country”.

Under the new feature, customers shall now be able to look up and read about products in Hindi as well as English. Meanwhile, the platform is also trying to include several other native languages into its interface for the same.

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