Yoga for a fine balance

Yoga works on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and increases the circulation in the head and the rest of the body.

Update: 2019-09-28 18:37 GMT

Some yoga poses work on the nervous system and strengthens it. They also work on balance centers and the inner ear, thereby building concentration and focus. Yoga works on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and increases the circulation in the head and the rest of the body.

Balasana (Child’s Pose)

Benefits: This asana is a relaxing pose. It is meant to calm the mind. At the onset of a vertigo attack, a restorative pose such as this will help you overcome the dizziness. This asana helps to strengthen the nervous system with regular practice.

How To Do It:  Place you palms and knees on the ground. Now, bring the feet together as you widen your knees. Rest your abdomen on the thighs and your buttocks on the feet. Place your forehead on the ground. Bring your arms around you, alongside your legs. You can hold your feet with your palms. Hold the pose for a few minutes, and release.

Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall)

Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall)

Benefit: This asana primarily benefits those suffering from vertigo. It calms the mind and relieves headaches. Closing your eyes also helps you regain your sense of balance.

How To Do It: Sit across a wall and raise your legs up. Use the wall for support.  . Lie down gently and stretch out your arms to the sides, folding them at the elbows so as to resemble a cactus. Place your palms facing upwards. Once you are comfortable, close your eyes and take long, deep breaths. Release after a few minutes.

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

Benefits: This asana works on the center of balance, and almost instantly reduces dizziness. It improves the blood circulation throughout the body, including the head. It is also an extremely comfortable pose that calms your nerves and your mind.

How To Do It:  Lie on your back. Bend your knees, and bring your feet together, thereby opening up your legs on the side. Raise your arms above your head. Relax. Release when you are satisfied.

Salamba Sirsasana  (Supported Head Stand)

Benefits: This asana works against gravity and instantly sends a new lot of blood rushing to your head. This blood is oxygen and nutrient-rich, and it removes any toxin accumulation. It reduces dizziness, and with regular practice, it eradicates vertigo. This asana also calms your nervous system.

How To Do It: Kneel down on the floor. Place your arms on the ground in front of you and interlace your fingers. Your elbows must be shoulder-width apart. Now, put your head on the floor, fitting your crown against your clasped palms. Inhale, lift your knees off the ground, and walk towards your elbows. Exhale and lift your feet off the floor. Place your legs perpendicular to the floor. Hold the pose for a few seconds. Release.

Halasana  (Plow Pose)

Benefits: This asana strengthens the neck. It also works on the balance system, the inner ears, and the nervous system. It releases the stress on the nervous system and calms your mind. It helps tackle the side effects of vertigo with ease.

How To Do It : Lie on your back. Support your waist with your hands, and lift your feet and back off the ground, coming into the Salamba Sarvangasana. Now, gently lower your legs such that your feet is on the ground, and your toes are in line with your head. Stretch out your arms in the other direction. Hold the pose until you are comfortable. To come out, gently lift your legs up and release.

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