Roller coasting skaterbrains

The high of wheeling through on a skateboard is what this city-based collective hopes to make popular.

Update: 2016-12-18 18:30 GMT
A skateboarder in action in this file photograph used for representative purposes only

When did you last head out for a zesty skateboarding session? Or rather, was the idea ever on your “must try” list? Gauging the need to inspire individuals to take to the performance sport; four 30-somethings, Poornabodh Nadavatti, Gautham Nettar, Shek and Somanna conjured up the Holystoked Collective — a city-based venture that aims to promote skateboarding and bust the myth around its feasiblity. Albeit, the idea took off a couple of years ago, is it only now that their game plan is finding ground in namma ooru. In a candid chat, the team tells us more...

“I, Gautham, Somanna and Shek started skating in National Games village, Koramangala, back in 2010. We heard about the construction of the play arena skate park in Bengaluru and went there and started skating the bowl in 2011, thanks to Nick Smith.We didn’t want to settle for a 9-5, and decided to be full-time entrepreneurs right from the start.  Having travelled across the globe, all of us were influenced by myriad cultures, and witnessed the essence of skateboarding. That’s what propelled us to host events, conduct classes and churn out skateboarding products,  relatable to the average Bengalurean,” reveals Poornabodh, one of the co-founders. Speaking about how the idea was to acquaint people of all walks of life to the sport, Somanna adds, “I believe nobody  can truly judge what points can be given for skateboarding. There is a hype and stoke other than the trick difficulty and style, which adds to how a person skates. I believe it is more important to smile and enjoy your skateboarding rather than make tricks like a robot all perfect.”

Fueled by passion, the four entrepreneurs ensure there’s always time for some creative downtime. “We are fortunate to be doing what we love the most. But when we aren’t talking work, we like exploring places. We’re all ardent travellers with probably just one hobby – you’d see us exploring together!” reveals Abhishek Beeral. They have previously worked with NGOs like SISP in Kovalam and also have assisted in building Janwaar Castle, India’s first rural skate park in Madhya Pradesh.

Giving us a peek into what’s next, Poornabodh states, “ Hopefully, Indian skaters will be able to compete professionally with skaters from America, Brazil and Europe. I wish a local skate crew crops up in almost every Indian city and town, so that when we travel we will always find the skate spots and, the brotherhood.”

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