Minor Rape incident raises concern over Girls' night travel in Hyderabad

Update: 2024-05-24 07:00 GMT
Minor Rape incident raises concern over Girls' night travel in Hyderabad. (Representrational Image)

Hyderabad: The incident of a minor girl being raped by a 28- year-old online ride- hailing app driver under Tukaram Gate police station limits on Tuesday has raised concerns about the safety of women travelling alone at nights.

In Tuesday’s incident, the accused Sandeep Reddy saw a minor girl walking alone around 10.30 pm and offered her a ride.
As she was angry with her parents for some reason, she accepted the lift and paid a heavy price. The incident came to light when she revealed the traumatic experience. A case has been registered and investigation is underway, said the police.
The onus is on parents and family elders to educate their daughters, especially minors, against falling prey to such nefarious offers from strangers, a police official said.
One of the primary safety measures is to use reliable transportation services and sending live location to family members.That way someone can keep an eye on one's journey and take action if they notice anything unusual. It is better to have features like GPS tracking and emergency contact button, said A. Anjaneyulu, Tukaram Gate police inspector.
Meanwhile, counseling psychologist C.Veeender advised against travelling through isolated or poorly lit areas at night.
If the driver takes a detour through a secluded area without explanation, do not hesitate to ask for a reason or tell him to drop at a safer location. It is always good to be aware of the surroundings.
It's better to be safe than sorry. Carrying self-defence tools like pepper spray, a whistle or a personal alarm can be added as layers of security.
“Having a means to protect yourself can boost your confidence,” said Laxmi, a self-defence expert.


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