Reliving the space odessey

The UN General Assembly declared April 12 as the International Day of Human Space Flight.

Update: 2017-04-09 18:48 GMT
Ekaterina Dmitriev

Q 1. This is one of the most unusual weddings in history. In 2003, it took place as planned with the groom orbiting the Earth and the bride on the ground in Texas, US. Ekaterina Dmitriev saw her love when he appeared on a video link-up between the station and the wedding hall. The transmission was officially categorised as a “Private Family Conference” and not publicly broadcast over NASA TV. Which Russian cosmonaut are we talking about?

Q 2. The first man in space Yuri Gagarin ate pureed meat from toothpaste tubes. By the time of the Gemini missions from 1965-6, the menu included shrimp cocktail, chicken and vegetables and butterscotch pudding. Nasa Astronaut Terry Virts, who was at the International Space Station, tweeted a photo in 2015 about an interesting dish he made in space. It includes beef patties, Russian mustard, tomato paste and cheese paste all rolled up in a tortilla. What new dish did he make?

Q 3. Jack Swigert, the astronaut known for Apollo 13, passed an unusual message during a mission as he forgot to do something which he should have done on time. The Mission Control found it hilarious and later accepted his demand. Taking a cue from this, after 33 years, Russian cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov in a similar situation used the Internet to become the first person to do the thing which Jack Swigert couldn’t do in the space. What did he forget?

Q 4. When the Apollo 11 astronauts accomplished the first moon landing, geologists were excited about seeing the first rocks returned from our nearest neighbour in space. It was discovered at Tranquillity Base by the Apollo 11 crew. It is a minor mineral found in titanium-rich basalt rocks and was named after Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins. How do we know it?

Q 5. This phrase has been tossed around during recent debates and press conferences regarding the technology gap between the United States and other nations. The phrase has been used to describe the United States’ need to catch up with rapidly developing countries, especially with clean energy and technology. Identify the phrase.

Q 6. Perhaps the most shameful part of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon was the United States government’s failure to insure the lives of its astronauts. Hoping to provide a legacy to their families, the astronauts found a way through which they could generate some money if they perished on their miracle mission. What was it?

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