Mystic Mantra: Follow your heart

In Christian terminology we would call it, 'being open to and acting on the promptings of the Holy Spirit'.

Update: 2016-09-14 21:27 GMT
The fact that Catholics and Protestants jointly participated in these celebrations joyfully is a proof that we need not be slaves to our past and that love and humility can bridge all distances. (Representational image)

The Monk who sold His Ferrari, though based on fiction, is a book that has inspired millions around the world. It tells the story of a lawyer forced to face the spiritual crisis of his hectic life, and of the wisdom he eventually gained on a life-changing journey that enabled him to create a life of passion, purpose and above all of peace.

The recently canonised St. Teresa too spoke about a “call within a call” during a train journey to Darjeeling in 1947, answering which brought a total turn-around in her life. One can go on enumerating such heroic tales of many a great woman and man who have left behind an inspiring legacy for humanity to follow. I believe that most, if not all, of us possess immense potentialities to reach lofty goals in our life. The achievements at Olympics last month and the on going Paralympics for the physically challenged in Rio, are just a few examples of what human spirit can achieve.

What is common to such individuals is that they not only keenly listened to the inner stirrings within their hearts but also had the courage to tread on the inspired path. In Christian terminology we would call it, “being open to and acting on the promptings of the Holy Spirit”.

Father Dominic Emmanuel, a founder-member of Parliament of Religion, can be contacted at

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