Mystic Mantra: Start the day with a feather touch

Osho elaborates on 112 meditation techniques from tantra.

Update: 2016-06-14 19:38 GMT
Meditation simply helps you to come out of that world of thoughts, into a state of silence.

What is your first thought in the morning as you come out of the sweet embrace of sleep? Do you jump out of bed quickly or you feel you would rather laze for some more time? Everyone has a different way of bidding farewell to night. Those moments are critical because how you begin the day goes a long way towards setting the tone for the rest of it, so it is important to find ways to get off to a good start. It’s everyone experience that it takes a while to synchronise the body and mind after a long sleep.

Our meditation team at the Osho International Mediation Resort came up with a novel idea. They invited workers to join in at breakfast meditation. The setting was beautiful. One could hear birds tweeting all around, the morning breeze caressing us, freshness in the air tickling the senses. The meditation was to “touch the eyeballs as a feather”, from The Book of Secrets. In this book, Osho elaborates on 112 meditation techniques from tantra.

These meditations are so simple and so aesthetic, they don’t demand any impossible conditions except for some sensitivity and a feminine approach on your part. You have to love them, be receptive and then, like a woman in love, they reveal their secrets. While facilitating this meditation I asked people to close their eyes, put their hands on the eyelids and allow the palms to touch the eyeballs with no pressure — just like a feather. It is very important to not put pressure otherwise the energy starts fighting.

This feather touch paves way to further relaxation. And lo, within three minutes people were relaxed. For those of you who may not know, researchers say that 80 per cent of your energy dissipates through your eyes. If you have noticed, when you get tired, the first thing that gets affected is the eyes. If you can refresh and revitalise your eyes, you have revitalised yourself.

When the outgoing energy comes back, finding no exit, it falls back into the heart. It is a delicious feeling. The heart starts opening like a flower and you become light as if the whole body has become a feather, as if gravity has no effect on it. And immediately you are connected with the deepest source of your being.

Another advantage is that this soft touch makes the eyes become still, the mind gets relaxed. In a relaxed mind, thoughts cannot move, they get frozen, because thoughts live through tension. It is such a gift to yourself before you jump into the frenzy of daily routine. You feel elated and then you can take this high energy to your work place. If you do it regularly you can spread this elation throughout the day.

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