CWC Meet Hyderabad: Congress Working Committee Appeal to Telangana People

Update: 2023-09-17 08:21 GMT
Sonia Gandhi

In 2014, the struggle of the people of Telangana bore fruit with the creation of the state of Telangana. The people of Telangana hoped and wished for a Bangaaru Telangana where they set the course of their own future with Nidhulu, Neellu, Niayamakalu – resources, water, employment for all. The Congress Working Committee proudly recalls the key role of the Indian National Congress during the formation of Telangana state. UPA Chairperson Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh resolutely heeded the voices of Telangana's people, consulting every stakeholder and surmounting every political challenge.

Yet, nine years after Telangana was formed, the CWC notes with anguish that the promise of Golden Telangana lies shattered, betrayed by governments both in Delhi and Hyderabad. The dream for which people fought for Telangana has remained unfulfilled. The resources of the new state, meant for its people, have instead been siphoned off by those in power. Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao and his family have established family rule and are deaf to the voices of the people. Instead of the promised golden future, they have dragged the state into the past by ruling like the Nizams.

The Congress party has embarked on a mass contact programme against this misrule, starting with the Bharat Jodo Yatra, when Shri Rahul Gandhi covered 405 km across 8 districts. Tens of thousands of people shared their experiences of the governments of the BJP in Delhi and BRS in Hyderabad, both enriching a chosen few at the cost of the poor, farmers, Dalits, Adivasis and minorities.

Farmers who battle risks of price and weather to make ends meet have been further let down by poor insurance schemes, which have forced them into debt.

The Dharani portal is taking away land rights dating back to Smt. Indira Gandhi’s era, especially those of Adivasis, minorities, Dalits and OBCs. Small entrepreneurs shut shop due to lack of support in a market tilted towards a few large corporates. Irrigation projects like Kaleshwaram have become income sources for BRS-affiliated contractors, draining huge resources but providing little water. The Modi government’s relentless privatisation of public sector companies is reducing opportunities for aspirational and hard-working youth. At the same time, the state government’s privatisation of schools, educational institutes and hospitals is depriving people of affordable education and health.

In contrast, the Congress party, throughout India, has always worked for a strong and inclusive economy whose benefits reach all. The CWC shares the pains of our brothers and sisters in Telangana, and resolves to continue the struggle to meet the unrealised objectives of the Telangana movement. The Congress party’s track record in Telangana over decades shows its commitment to an inclusive economy - through measures such as land rights, a strong public sector which accelerated the private sector, MGNREGA, and statehood. The successful Congress government in Karnataka, which has delivered on its guarantees within 100 days, shows that the Congress party does not make empty promises or jumlas- it makes history.  

The Congress party is ready to make history in Telangana. The party will unveil six key guarantees to the people of Telangana tomorrow, building on declarations in Warangal for farmers, Hyderabad for youth, and Khammam for the elderly. The CWC earnestly appeals to the people of Telangana to cast their votes for the Congress in the upcoming Assembly and Parliament elections. It is time to reignite the dream of a Bangaaru Telangana, and deliver the future that the people of Telangana deserve.


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