KCR loves his dogs more than Telangana: BJP

People of Telangana are taking note of it and will teach the TRS a lesson in the next elections.

Update: 2019-09-14 19:45 GMT

Hyderabad: BJP on Saturday took a snipe at the incident of veterinarians being booked for the death of Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao’s dog at Pragati Bhavan, saying that such prompt action against the vets was a cruel joke on the families of the people who are falling victims to dengue across the state.

BJP spokesperson Krishna Saagar Rao said: “It's a cruel joke on the families of the people who died of dengue in Telangana due to the criminal negligence of the TRS government.”

He added: “If CM had even half of the love towards people he had for his dog, so many poor children wouldn’t be dying of dengue.”

The BJP leader said that it was sad that hundreds of poor children were not getting timely medical attention in the state and the TRS government has remained a mute spectator for the past three weeks.

BJP leader T.R. Srinivas said, “If KCR and his minister Etala Rajender had been serious about the prevailing dengue cases in the state, life of many children and elders could have been saved by taking necessary steps. Ignoring deaths due to dengue and other fevers is a bad move. People of Telangana are taking note of it and will teach the TRS a lesson in the next elections.”

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