Thiruvananthapuram: GPS-fitted tankers in 16 panchayats

District panchayat president V. K. Madhu said purchase is being made depending on the need by respective panchayats.

Update: 2019-04-17 20:05 GMT

Thiruvananthapuram: With water scarcity looming large in many parts of the state capital, the state government has issued an order mandating GPS-enabled water tankers for supplying drinking water to the public. Around 16 panchayats in the district have invited tenders for procuring GPS-enabled tankers for supplying water to high-lying areas in various part of the district.

The government had issued an order giving direction to panchayat authorities to use 5 percent of own fund or general funds for procuring water tankers for supplying clean water.  District panchayat president V. K. Madhu said purchase is being made depending on the need by respective panchayats.

“Water scarcity hasn’t hit the state capital in full swing. Water is available at many parts and some of the high-lying areas are the worst-hit and the respective local panchayat authorities have initiated steps to procure GPS-enabled tankers,” said Mr Madhu.

He said Peppara Dam has enough water and summer showers would help survive the difficult situation. “If we get more rains there will not be any issue,” said Mr Madhu.

According to the district administration, four panchayats are the worst hit by water scarcity. Elakamon, Chemmaruthy, Vellarada and Anjuthengu is the four panchayats in the district.

The district medical office has sounded a high alert in water-scarce areas as water-borne diseases are likely to rise. An official said that it’s necessary to keep track of water tankers to ensure that only clean water is supplied to the public.

“Peppara Dam has sufficient water to meet the demand of the state capital for 80 days. We expect summer showers before that and all arrangements are in place to ensure the supply of water to the residents for 90 days,” said an official of the district administration.

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