5-day international school to be held in UoH
The topic is ’Understanding Pathophysiology of Pain and Cognition using Animal Experiments’;
Hyderabad: An international school on ’Understanding Pathophysiology of Pain and Cognition using Animal Experiments,’ is scheduled to be organised from December 12 to 16, at the School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad (UoH).
The school is being organised by the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) and Asia Pacific Regional Committee (APRC) jointly with Society for Neurochemistry, India (SNCI). It is scheduled to be inaugurated by UoH Vice Chancellor Prof. B. J. Rao at 9.30 am on December 12.
The five-day IBRO-APRC Associate School will include lectures and hands-on experimental demonstrations from the specialists in the field of pain and cognition research in the Asia-Pacific region. The event will involve group discussions, poster presentations by participants, and technical lecture/demonstration of equipment.
The school will focus on the behavioural, molecular and electrophysiological studies on pain and cognition in animal models. Around 30 selected participants from India, Malaysia, Taiwan, Nepal and Iran are participating in the workshop while more than 30 reputed faculty/speakers will be delivering lectures.