Sajjala denies being a voter in Telangana

Update: 2024-02-14 05:03 GMT
YSRC general secretary and government advisor Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy
VIJAYAWADA: YSRC general secretary and government advisor Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy denied that he had voted in the recent Telangana state assembly elections.

“My vote is registered in Andhra Pradesh,” he maintained, accusing TD-supported media of spreading false allegations against him.

Ramakrishna Reddy pointed out that he had registered as a voter in Ponnur constituency. As he is presently staying in Rain Tree Park apartments, he realised that his residence comes under the Mangalagiri constituency. Thus he has registered his vote in Mangalagiri.
“On January 31, I requested officials to delete mine and my family members’ names from Ponnur constituency’s voter list,” he underlined.
The YSRC general secretary charged that those who have got habituated to registering fake votes see everyone in the same light. He alleged that TD has encouraged its supporters, who cast their votes in Telangana elections, to register again as voters in AP.


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