Opposition parties uniting for political gains: Minister Buggana

By :  P.V Prasad
Update: 2024-03-02 20:40 GMT
Finance minister Buggana Rajendranath.

KURNOOL: Finance minister Buggana Rajendranath said the ruling party is standing in unity with people while the opposition parties are uniting for political gains in the forthcoming elections.

“Opposition leaders may have united for elections, but can the two factions within the Telugu Desam bring back to life 200 people who have been killed in their factional fights in the constituency,” Rajendranath asked, distributing house site documents to 5,000 beneficiaries at a programme organised in Dhone constituency on Saturday.

The finance minister emphasised on the government's commitment to peace and development. He asked people to choose leaders who prioritise peace and security over factionalism, emphasising on YSRC's continuous efforts to ensure public welfare.

Rajendranath criticised party members from Krishnagiri, Pathikonda, Aluru, Devanakonda and Giddalur over attending the Telugu Desam meeting. He maintained that a local meeting had been infiltrated by non-local participants.

The minister maintained that under the governance of YSRC, Dhone has experienced significant development, with initiatives that addressed hunger, survival of migrants and overall development.

Rajendranath questioned the Opposition's commitment to development, indirectly hinting at Kotla and KE groups prioritising their own interests over public welfare. He criticised what he called the opposition's potential agenda to divide innocent people into sects.

The minister specifically referred to a 100-bed hospital, drinking water facilities, irrigation projects, roads and schools as signs of development within the Dhone constituency.

AP Meat Corporation chairman A. Sriramulu, Dhone municipal chairman Sapthashaila Rajesh, APIIC director Boreddy Pullareddy, Dhone mandal parishad president Regati Rajasekhar Reddy, Peapully ZPTC Sriramulu, RDO Maheshwar Reddy and municipal commissioner Jayaram were among those who participated in the minister’s programme of house site distribution. Ends/RS


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