Chandrababu Is 420 and Cheat: Jagan

By :  Aruna
Update: 2024-04-23 18:24 GMT
People gather at the Public Meeting as part of Memantha Siddham Yatra addressed by Chief Minister, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy at Chelluru Junction in Vizianagaram district on Tuesday. (DC Image)

Visakhapatnam: Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy has criticised the governance of N. Chandrababu Naidu by saying that the TD chief had acted in fraudulent ways while as CM.

Addressing a public meeting in Vizianagaram’s Chelluru, Jagan Mohan Reddy called the TD chief a 420 and a cheat.

The Chief Minister spoke about his dedication towards realising the common people's dreams through various government schemes. He interacted with women voters and reassured them of his dedication to fulfil their aspirations.

He said, “You dreamed of a better future. To realise this, I introduced schemes. I am ready to fight with the Kauravas to improve your children's future by continuing the schemes I started in the last five years. Are you ready to make me win this poll?”

During the meeting, Jagan Mohan Reddy said he doesn't need the alliance’s adopted son and yellow media, like Chandrababu, to win the polls. “I have the support of the people.” He claimed having spent more than `3 lakh crore on welfare schemes during the last five years.

He attacked Chandrababu by saying, “Chandrababu Naidu is trying to defeat Jagan; Jagan is trying to make poor people victorious by continuing the welfare schemes. This election is a Kurukshetra war in which I am fighting alone with the support of the poor people who are my star campaigners. All of you should get ready to teach a lesson to Chandrababu's alliance. His job is only to cheat the poor people.”

“If someone steals, you call them a thief; if someone threatens to kill, you call them a decoy; if someone says sweet words, makes unachievable promises in elections, forms the government, and cheats you, what do you say? Aren’t you calling them 420s?”

The CM also assured the volunteers that they would return to their jobs once the YSRC formed the next government.

As Vizianagaram district is Kapu-dominated, the CM narrated the benefits he provided to Kapus. At the end of his speech, the CM introduced the YSRC’s Assembly and Lok Sabha candidates to the public and urged them to vote for them.

When he introduced Botsa Satyanarayana, he stated, “Botsa Anna is like my father, but I call him Anna.” Listening to the CM’s words, Botsa got a bit emotional.


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