City Dwellers Call for Peaceful Bakrid

Update: 2023-06-28 18:30 GMT
Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao conveyed his Bakrid wishes on the eve of the festival. (File Image: DC)

Hyderabad: Muslims in the city on Wednesday called for a united, harmonious and peaceful Bakrid celebration, appealing to all citing that the day embodies the virtue of sacrifice.

Mir Murtuza Ali Moosvi, Mutawalli, Badshahi Ashoorkhana in Charminar, said: “The Almighty tested Prophet Ibrahim's faithfulness by asking him to sacrifice his only son Ishmael and just when he raised his sword to do that, Allah asked him to stop and provided a sheep for sacrifice instead. The world needs this message of sacrifice today more than ever,”

“And so, we’d love our Hindu, Christian, Jain and Sikh brothers to join us in celebrating the festival like we always did. Being the grandfathers of democracy and unity in diversity, let’s make India shine brighter as we practise these ideals,” he said.

Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao conveyed his Bakrid wishes on the eve of the festival. He said that Bakrid inculcates great qualities, devotion, sacrifice, compassion and faith in people.

Chandrashekar Rao said that Telangana state is being governed by giving equal respect to all religious beliefs and traditions and is continuing the spiritual tradition by safeguarding ‘Ganga Jamuni Tahzeeb’ so that people of all communities can live together peacefully.

The Chief Minister said that the state is implementing the secular spiritual action plan, which is a role model for the entire country.

“The state government has been implementing a slew of schemes for the development and welfare of Muslim minorities. On this occasion, I hope that the mercy of Almighty Allah be upon all the people and all people prosper with peace and happiness,” he said.

Meanwhile, sheep and goat traders from across the two Telugu states, Karnataka and Maharashtra flocked to the city, setting up shop at Jiyaguda, Langar Houz, Gowlipura, Gandhinagar, Chilkalguda and Golnaka, due to skyrocketing demand since Tuesday.

When DC enquired, the reporter was quoted a price of ₹18,000 for a sheep.

“The price on a normal day would’ve been somewhere around ₹10,000 to ₹11,000. The prices are high because the demand is, and will likely come down on Thursday,” said Anwar, a seller at Golnaka.

A customer at his shop said that the period between Wednesday evening and night was the best time to buy good meat, at the best prices. “The prices will come down by afternoon on Thursday but even the stock, if left at all, will mostly not be good,” he said.

Traffic around the markets moved at a snail’s, pace customers spilling onto the road and having to wait in queue for their turn.

Some said they were here to buy meat as they can buy quality produce.

“I'm here because we do whip up a good meal when it's a holiday and the stock here has come from good sellers in Andhra Pradesh. I'm told the quality is unmatched as they are unprocessed,” said Manda Kanakaraju, a customer.

Another seller said: “Each sheep or goat at the market ranges from ₹10,000 to ₹60,000. It depends on the age, breed and even area they come from. At some markets, they even have 'jodi' offers, with one sheep and goat being sold for about ₹28,000.”

Additional sanitation teams and garbage-collecting vehicles will be deployed in wards and masjids, the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation said, urging people to be mindful of discarding animal waste properly and ensure cleanliness.

Popular shopping places in the city are lit up with bright lights and colours, running offers and sales. Charminar, Lad Bazar, Sultan Bazar, Koti, Badichowdi and General Bazar were crowded with customers doing their last-minute shopping.

Educational institutions, government offices, banks, most corporate offices and some tourist places like the Salar Jung Museum, among others, will remain closed on the day.

Security too has been intensified in several places across the city, especially on roads leading to mosques, while the traffic police also created several traffic diversions and dedicated parking spaces to ensure smooth celebrations.


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