Pakistan hasn\'t taken action against terror, can\'t escape FATF grey list: India

India also said Pakistani forces have carried out more than 3800 unprovoked ceasefire violations (CFVs) this year

Update: 2020-10-22 17:17 GMT
Representational image.

New Delhi: Pakistan has failed to take action on the six important action items stipulated by global anti-terror-financing watchdog Financial Action Task Force (FATF), New Delhi said on Thursday, even as it accused Islamabad of aiding and abetting cross-border terrorism, smuggling of arms and narcotic substances, including through usage of drones and quadcopters.

India also said Pakistani forces have carried out more than 3800 unprovoked ceasefire violations (CFVs) this year so far and that there have also been attempts to drop arms and ammunition close to the LoC in the garb of civilian activities.   

Pakistan is currently on the “grey list” of the FATF, whose latest plenary meeting in virtual mode is ongoing and will culminate on Friday. New Delhi hinted clearly that Islamabad did not deserve to escape the grey list. Islamabad is likely to continue in the grey list despite its attempts to wriggle out. The FATF’s “grey list” comprises nations like Pakistan who have failed to fulfil their obligations to combat terror-financing.

India also meanwhile accused Pakistan of continuing to provide safe havens to terrorist entities and individuals and not taking any action against several terrorist entities and individuals, including those proscribed by the UNSC such as MasoodAzhar, Dawood Ibrahim, Zakir-ur-Rahman Lakhvi.

At his weekly briefing on Thursday evening, Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Spokesperson Anurag Srivastava said, “It is understood that Pakistan has addressed only 21 action items so far out of total 27 point FATF Action Plan. Six important action items are yet to be addressed. As is well known, Pakistan continues to provide safe havens to terrorist entities and individuals and has also not yet taken any action against several terrorist entities and individuals including those proscribed by the UNSC such as Masood Azhar, Dawood Ibrahim, Zakir-ur-Rahman Lakhvi etc."

He added, “The issue of Pakistan’scompliance is being lookedat the virtual FATF Plenary meeting is underway and will get over on the 23rd of October. FATF makes public announcements of its decisions according to its rules and procedures after its Plenary meeting. ... FATF has well laid out standards and procedures for putting a country in its Black List and Grey List. After a country is put on a List, an action plan is given to it and the country concerned is expected to fully complete the action plan within the stipulated time. Those found wanting in implementing their obligations are held accountable and subjected to appropriate action.”

The MEA said that Pakistan forces have continued to engage in unprovoked ceasefire violations, often from civilian areas, to support infiltration of terrorists across the LoC, in clear violation of the 2003 Ceasefire agreement.

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