Simhachalam Devasthanam: Temple service rates increased

Swarna Pushpa Archana ticket price doubled.

By :  nalla ram
Update: 2017-06-22 01:59 GMT
Simhachalam Devasthanam

Visakhapatnam: Simhachalam Devasthanam has increased the rates of various temple services in order to earn a higher revenue. The price of a swarna pushpa archana ticket has been raised from Rs 1,116 to Rs 2,116, the price of a sahasra namarchana ticket has been raised from Rs 100 to Rs 200, and the price of a kumkum archana ticket has been raised from Rs 50 to Rs 100.

Though the Simhachalam temple of Vizag city is one of the richest and most famous temples in the state, next only to the Tirumala Tirupati Deva-stanams, Simhachalam Devasthanam seems to be dissatisfied with the revenue earned. The temple earned Rs 22.06 crore in 2010-11, and in 2016-17 its revenue increased to Rs 55 crore. Over 50 lakh devotees visited the temple last year.

K. Ramachandra Mohan, the executive officer of Simhachalam Devasthanam, says that prices have been hiked after over a decade. He says that this decision will not hurt the sentiments of devotees. “Devotees who pu-rchase swarna pushpa ar-chana tickets will have a darshan of the Lord. Th-ey can spend at least an hour in the garbhagudi (inner shrine),” he says.

Sources say that the swarna pushpa archana service was introduced at the Simhachalam temple in 2008. The price of a ticket was Rs 5,000 at the time. However, due to a poor turnout, Simhachalam Devasthanam was forced to reduce the price to Rs 2,500. Later, the price was further reduced to Rs 1,116. Now the prices have been increased, eliciting expressions of displeasure from some devotees. Chief Minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu has previously voiced his annoyance at the poor facilities available to devotees at the temple. “Simhachalam Devasthanam has clearly indicated that it is more interested in collecting revenue rather than providing facilities to devotees,” says K. Shivadhar, a devotee. He says that this decision is likely to affect the temple’s revenue because fewer people will avail of the temple services.

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