Alappuzha: Kainakary school remains shut still

Many children are still in relief camps after their houses went uninhabitable.

By :  T Sudheesh
Update: 2019-08-20 23:54 GMT

Alappuzha: Classrooms in submerged Kuppapuram High School, the only government-run school in Kainakary panchayat, where 174 children including 14 in Class X are studying, are clean now.

However, the authorities have not yet announced the date of its reopening.

Many children are still in relief camps after their houses went uninhabitable. Teachers and non-teaching staff are willing to reopen the school anytime now and are awaiting a nod from the district administration that decl-ared holiday for schools on Tuesday as well.

“Classrooms are clean. I had asked teachers and students from Class VII to X to be present on Monday, but only a few turned up. We can’t run primary and preschool classes as water-logging continues outside. It will stop only after rebuilding breached Kanakkassery bund,” headmaster P. Sarngan said.

“The dewatering is possible only after finishing the construction of bund. We hope to resume High School classes if deputy director of education (DDE) permits.”

Residents want a strong outer bund to prevent repeated breaches and protect Meenapally, Vali-yakari and Kanakkassery padsekharams.  “It’s just a 10-minute boat journey to reach Alappuzha town. The ferry boats have been giving concessions to students,” the headmaster said explaining why they prefer schools in town.  “Parents would think about safer schools. We are trying our level best to finish portions in time. That’s why we finished clean-up works.”

Other concerns include unavailability of adequate usable toilets. DDE Dhanya R. Kumar said additional classes during holidays would compensate for lost days.  Last year, schools in Kuttanad were shut for  30 days. However, through extra classes, the school won in public exams, she said.

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