Kanyakumari fishers land safely at other harbours

The State Fisheries department is yet to receive information about the other 20 boats.

Update: 2018-03-16 20:32 GMT
On being chased, the shocked fishermen began to return to shore, but the Lankan Navy personnel allegedly smashed one of the boats belonging to one Praveen and damaged it badly, they said.

KANYAKUMARI: Kanyakumari district-based deep sea fishermen, who put out to sea last week, landed safe on harbours of neighbouring Kerala, Karnataka and Lakshadweep following the formation of a low depression, according to Fisheries department sources.

Of the total number of 600 mechanised boats from Kanyakumari district involved in deep sea fishing near Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and Lakshadweep, 580 boats were found to have returned to safety of the nearby harbours. The State Fisheries department is yet to receive information about the other 20 boats that, however, is believed to be safe as the weather conditions over the sea returned to normalcy.

Moreover, as the low depression that persisted over the Southeast Arabian sea, has now weakened over Lakshadweep around 100 mechanised boats with around 1,000 fishermen on board anchored for safety at the fishing harbours of Kavaratti, Kalpeni, Kalpedia and Kammath in Lakshadweep a week ago and were reportedly proceeding with their fishing since Friday. 

“They had taken the decision to proceed with their fishing as they felt that returning home without catch would be sheer waste of money and time,” said the general secretary of South Asian Fishermen Fraternity (SAFF), Rev Fr Churchill. 
“Around 25 of the 50 boats that landed safe at Karwar in Karnataka state have also returned to sea on Saturday.  As Easter is nearing they would not like to return home empty handed,” said Fr Churchill. 

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