Pakistan skips Military Medicine Conference hosted by India for SCO states

Defence Ministry officials confirmed that Pakistani was invited to the event.

Update: 2019-09-12 09:36 GMT

New Delhi: Pakistan, repeatedly snubbed by international community for internationalising the Kashmir issue, skipped the first Military Medicine Conference hosted by India for the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) member states on Thursday.

Defence Ministry officials confirmed that Pakistani was invited to the event.

"Being a member of SCO Pakistan was invited to the event," said a Defence official.

The conference is being attended by about 27 international and 40 Indian delegates. This is the first military cooperation event being hosted by India after it joined SCO in June 2017.

On Wednesday, Pakistan had to face embarrassment at UNHRC, where several parties at the event including the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged the two Asian nations to solve the Kashmir issue bilaterally through dialogue. On the contrary, Islamabad has been making desperate attempts for third party involvement in the matter, but to no avail.

Pakistan's foul cry at UNHRC was rebutted by an Indian diplomat from Jammu and Kashmir--Vimarsh Aryan--who asserted that Islamabad's quest for Kashmir is "an ill-disguised effort to advance its territorial ambitions."

Similarly, Islamabad had to face humiliation at the closed-door UNSC meet where majority of permanent members refused to fall for Pakistan's narrative on Kashmir and asked it to resolve the issue amicably through dialogue through India.

Notably, Islamic countries have also refused to side with Pakistan. In fact, the UAE conferred Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the highest civilian award of the Islamic country. The decision by the UAE came despite Pakistan's anti-India rhetoric following India's historic decision to abrogate Article 370 of the Constitution that gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir.

Pakistan has been left red-faced time and again as its efforts to garner international community's support over the matter have fallen flat.

While Islamabad alleges human rights violation in the Valley, countries are concerned over their military establishment's atrocities in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and the forceful conversions at their behest.

Recently, a former legislator from Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's PTI, Baldev Kumar, sought asylum in India citing exploitation of minorities in the country.


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